Construction management is a service dedicated to those clients who need to choose their contractors for specified packages of construction works. This service suits those who wish to control all costs of construction works and also, look for cost optimization by eliminating assumed profits of a general contractor. Managing a construction site in this formula allows our clients not only to control scope of works fully due to clear division of construction works among particular contractors, but also to help them to negotiate competitive market prices for various construction works and, most importantly, to give total discretion in making decisions during construction works.
Scope of works provided within the construction management service includes:
- verifying and expressing an opinion on a building permit design, finding solutions which generate unjustified or excessive costs and presenting alternatives for limiting these costs,
- preparing a preliminary cost estimation based on a building permit design,
- verifying and expressing an opinion on building permit designs or executive designs, finding solutions which generate unjustified or excessive costs and presenting alternatives for limiting those costs,
- preparing a detailed cost estimation based on a building permit design
- dividing scope of construction works into particular packages of construction works for each contractor to be selected, preparing a schedule of construction works, determining points of connection for packages of construction works
- organizing and carrying out a tendering procedure for selecting contractors for specified packages of construction works together with providing all necessary materials and documents for particular scope of works and also, instructions for bidders in compliance with guidelines given by a client;
- comparing and verifying correctness of estimated costs of construction works, analyzing offers, choosing candidates for contractors of particular packages of construction works qualified to negotiations
- negotiating with candidates for contractors of specified construction works, giving recommendations and selecting contractors of particular packages of construction works
- participating in preparation works on a construction site, notifying relevant authorities about specified dates connected with commencement of construction works, obtaining necessary documents, statements and permits, providing financial control and technical supervision over execution of construction works
- verifying project documentation on a regular basis, carrying out financial audits and providing technical supervision at each stage of execution of construction works together with maintaining quality control
- supervising construction works with regard to any changes of tenants or investors, commissioning and granting final acceptance of construction works and warranty service, controlling a construction site before a commissioning inspection, verifying and accepting as-build documentation, making final settlement of costs with each contractor
- monitoring and removing any defects within a warranty period, participating in warranty inspections, supervising removals of any defects found during inspections.