Consulting Services
in the Construction Sector
PM Services Poland is a company that honestly, reliably, and with a commitment to sustainable building principles, represents and supports investors in executing construction projects.
Our motto, “We do care for your projects,” is not just an empty slogan – it expresses our full commitment and dedication to executing our clients’ projects, making us a trustworthy and responsible partner.

Our team consists of a well-coordinated group of experienced engineers with expertise in various fields, such as construction, electrical and sanitary installations, as well as road and bridge construction.
Together, we strive to achieve the highest standards of quality, safety, and timeliness in project execution. Additionally, we place strong emphasis on adhering to sustainable building principles and incorporating innovative and eco-friendly solutions in our core activities to minimize environmental impact.
Our comprehensive approach includes effective construction process management, reducing the use of natural resources, and utilizing environmentally friendly materials.
Trust Us
Let us not only supervise your investments and manage construction but also contribute to the long-term success of your projects. Contact us, and our team of experts will support you at every stage of achieving your investment goals.
We execute projects across Poland
They Trusted Us
Awards and Distinctions

Forbes Diamonds 2024
Award winner in the category of companies
with revenue
from 5 to 50 million PLN

Forbes Diamonds 2023
Award winner in the category of companies
with revenue
from 5 to 50 million PLN

Company of the Year 2023
National Economic

Równa Firma
Distinction in the category
"Equal Employer"

Równa Firma
Distinction for a company
caring for the local community

Równa Firma
Distinction in the category
"Equal Employer"

Równa Firma
Distinction for a company
caring for the local community

Firma Rodzinna
Member of the
Firmy Rodzinne

Member of the
Polish Green Building Association

Biznesowa Duma Pomorza
Partner of a leading brand
in the West Pomeranian Voivodeship

Północna Izba Gospodarcza
since 2015

ISO 9001
Quality Management